
Welcome to the Official WIKI for GenesiSC!

🔒 Powerful Features:

  1. 🛡️ Unrivaled Security: Harnessing cutting-edge technologies like 2FA and Discord Integration, it safeguards your server from hackers, ensuring robust protection.

  2. 🚀 Staff Management: Easily configure staff members by adding their MC Username followed by their Discord ID, granting them authorized access to your server.

  3. ⏰ Timed Effects: Add timed effects to restrict hackers' movement, visibility, or any other actions, enhancing server security.

  4. ❌ Discord Verification: Players who fail to verify via Discord within the designated time will be kicked, ensuring only identified staff members gain access.

  5. 🔑 Permissions Control: Set specific permissions for individual players or groups, allowing precise control over staff or admin roles.

  6. 💪 MySQL Integration: Seamlessly integrates with MySQL, enabling efficient data management and enhancing server performance.

  7. 🤖 Discord Bot Integration: Utilizes Discord Bot token to further strengthen security measures and provide seamless server management.

  8. 🔒 Unprecedented Security: With a combination of advanced features and robust integration, GenesiSC stands as the epitome of security, unrivaled in its strength.

Embrace the power of GenesiSC to protect your server like never before! 💪🔒

Last updated