🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Commands and Permissions

List of Commands and Permissions for GenesiSC

/gsc [playername] Will REMOVE a player from the staff list.

/gsc [playername] [discordID] Will ADD a player to the staff list.

genesisc.staff Permission given to players who belong to your servers staff. If the player has this permission, but its name isn't in the list in config, then they will be kicked.

genesisc.admin Gives permission to run the command of add/remove and set location.

When a player is added to the STAFF LIST this means they will receive a notification in their Discord to either confirm it was them or kick if it was not them trying to log in. This is a great safety feature that the plugin offers, and also ideal for preventing UUID spoofing. If a hacker tries to enter using your account and you are part of the staff, you will recieve a notification in Discord and you can simply kick that player knowing it was not you trying to log in.

Last updated