
Step 1. Set up your MySQL by adding in your credentials.

Step 2. A Discord Bot token is mandatory for this plugin to be the powerhouse that it is. Seemsly integrated inside, it sends the attempts to your private messages, so you can decide who gets in and who does not.

Step 3. Taking the example "sallyy" any MINECRAFT name followed by that persons person DISCORD ID, allows them to be on the staff list. This means they will recieve the log-in notifications attempted with their account, directly in their discord private messages. They will always have to verify before entering.

Step 4. This section of the config, allows you to set any effect that gets executed on join attempt.

Step 5. Before a player gets authorized, you have complete control on what they are allowed to do. In the example above, a player is not able to move or message in chat, as the variables are set on false

You, your staff and your server are now fully protected.

Last updated